FILE NAME: Unknown
MILITARY SPECIALTY: Light Assault Jet Pilot
BIRTHPLACE: Various Countries
GRADE: 0-2
Piloting a Firebat is somewhat akin to strapping yourself onto a cannonball. The cockpit is cramped by any standard and utterly lacking in even the kindest amenities. No engine status display, no weather instruments, no navigation aids, and no ejection seat. Just the basic flight panel, throttle, pedals, and stick. But after the initial high-G's of take off, the Firebat levels out to being the fastest, most responive single-seat fighter in the Cobra arsenal.
A.V.A.C. pilots are drawn from the Air Viper pool. They must be capable of complex mental calculations to make up for the lack of on-board computers and absolutely fearless to cope with the Firebat's basic unforgiving nature. The aircraft is not what you would call user-friendly. Surprisingly, there is no lack of recruits for the program. All the best fighter-jocks want a ride on the "Pocket Rocket."