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Red Shark's Blog
Wednesday, 7 June 2006
X-Men: The Last Stand
Mood:  irritated
Note: Spoilers ahoy!

I'm not really sure how to feel about this movie. Was it entertaining? Yes. Was it good? I'm not so sure. Some of the things that take place (like Cyclops dying real quick) were bothersome. Particulary if you believe the info on the internet that states WHY this was done (check out Ain't it Cool News or the Superhero Hype message boards for more info). There are some inexplicable parts to this film, like day suddenly becoming night, but that is not a major problem. I'm not a huge X-Man comic fan, so I can forgive a lot of the changes made. What I cannot forgive is when there is a lack of continuity from movie to movie. Where the heck is Storm's accent? Although, to be fair, it may have been missing in X2 as well. Another thing I didn't like was Wolverine's characterization. He is too leading man-ish. I like Hugh Jackman as Wolvie, but sometimes I think he is just two tall and good looking for the role. And why was he leading them at the end? Shouldn't Storm, who actually lead the comic's team once, be the leader?

There are some good things, including Iceman (FINALLY) icing up. It would have been cool if he would had used an ice slide when coming down from the blackbird. Everyone else had their "unique entrance" and that would have been perfect for him. Instead, Kitty carries him. Dumb. Oh wait, I'm supposed to be talking about good things. Beast is well done, although at the end I would have prefered that he would have returned to the mansion as a teacher instead of joining the UN. Magneto is excellent as always. No complaints there. Rogue is good in the little bit we see of her (makes sense that she would want the cure). Same goes for Colossus. Minor part but well done.

The Juggernaut was okay. It did bother me that he wasn't refered to as Professor X's step-brother, but I guess there wasn't a place for that. Speaking of the Professor - why did they kill him off? I don't get it.

That leads me into my next rant - Phoenix. Actually, no, I'm not going to rant. Let me just saw, that if you are not going to do it "right" then don't do it at all.

Hmmmm, I'm still not sure how to feel about this movie. I was generally entertained, but, it seems to have left a bad taste in my mouth. I hope Spider-Man 3 (with it's apparent 18 villians) will be better.

Posted by theredshark at 8:53 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 7 June 2006 9:04 AM EDT
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