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Red Shark's Blog
Thursday, 31 August 2006
Bunch o things
Mood:  irritated

I'm now retyping this blog because Tripod deleted it the first time!


Anyway, it has been awhile since I've posted, so this blog will cover several topics.

1. Who Wants to be a Superhero? - I have emensly enjoyed this show, which is saying something considering my disdain for "reality tv."  I was disappointed when Major Victory was elimenated last week, since I really thought it would come down to him and Feedback.  I just don't see Fat Mama winning, nice as she is.  I guess we'll find out tonight!

2. Blade: The Series - Last night's episode wasn't too bad.  There have been some decent ones, and some I've barely been able to get through.  It may have potential yet...

3. ECW - On the other hand, I've given up on ECW.  I haven't watched in the last two weeks and I haven't missed it. 

4. Superman Returns - Superman is dead.  At least the Superman I grew up wth is.  This movie is an abomination.  Maybe if I can work up enough energy I'll do a thorough review.

5. Transformers: The Movie - Bumblebee is going to be a Mustang and not a Volkswagon Beetle?  WTF!?

6. Smallville - Even though this is also a raping of the Superman legend, I don't hate it like I hated SR.  I still tune into this show to see what aspect of the character they'll ruin next.  Plus, it is on before Supernatural.

7. Heroes - Looks like it might be interesting.  I'll have to tune in.

8. Shark Week 2006 - Rocked as always.  Next year is #20!


Posted by theredshark at 11:46 AM EDT
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