Well, I was going to write my thoughts on the Big Ben accident. Sarcastically I was going to say how we should ignore the fact that he was riding without a helmet OR a license and should instead focus on running the other driver out of town. (Ironic that the lady from Maine was making a "Pittsburgh left," eh?). But I'm sure everyone is sick of hearing about that too, so let me just say that I hope Ben gets well soon.
Then I thought I could write about how, after a promising Pay Per View on Sunday, ECW on Sci-Fi was lousy. But hey, it was the first show, so I'll just hope it gets better.
No, instead I am going to write about my favorite breakfast food - the Danish!
I love Danishes - or is the plural Danish? Someone told me that once. I looked it up though, and it appears that either is acceptable. Let's look at my favorite flavors:
Cherry - I could live on a diet of cherry Danishes, 'nuff said.
Pineapple - My second favorite, I usually order one cherry and one of these.
Blueberry - If I can't get cherry or pineapple, blueberry is a worthy substitute.
Apricot - There is a reason this is #4, but I'll eat it, cause I loves me some Danish!
Apple and cheese need not apply! Cheese Danishes are disgusting. Yuck! And I rarely care for apple anything - including apple pie. I don't much care for baseball either, although I do love my mom. One out of three, hmmm, does that make me unAmerican? I think it should be changed to Mom, Football, and Cherry Pie! Booya!
I got two Danishes for breakfast this morning. They came from Jenny Lee and were quite yummy. The best Danishes ever came from Karn's Bakery on Steubenville Pike in Robinson Township. The went out of business and the building is now a pizza place. When I was a youngster I worked at the Dairy Queen next door to the bakery (the DQ is now a Truck N Stuff). When my buddy Elwood and I worked the day shift we'd go in early and meet for breakfast at the bakery. I'd always get Danish. Ah, what a simpler time.
Did you ever notice that bakeries tend to employ young hot girls? Karns did it, and the last three times I went to Jenny Lee I was waited on my jailbait. What up wit dat?
But I digress. Back to Danishes. They are on my list of favorite foods. Also making the cut are bacon, shrimp cocktail, and stuffed porkchops. I've recently really become fond of stuffed peppers too. Well, now I'm just rambling. Peace out!
Posted by theredshark
at 9:45 AM EDT