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Red Shark's Blog
Tuesday, 5 December 2006
Boycott the new Bond!
Mood:  mischievious

Join the boycott of Casino Royale!




Posted by theredshark at 11:00 AM EST
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Monday, 25 September 2006
Spider-Friends? Go for it!
Mood:  on fire

Whenever I hear about how Spider-Man 3 is currently being filmed, or how they are considering a spin-off from X-Men, I can't help but think this this is the film I'd like to see...

 On second thought, I vote for Isla Fisher as Firestar:



Posted by theredshark at 1:06 PM EDT
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Thursday, 31 August 2006
Bunch o things
Mood:  irritated

I'm now retyping this blog because Tripod deleted it the first time!


Anyway, it has been awhile since I've posted, so this blog will cover several topics.

1. Who Wants to be a Superhero? - I have emensly enjoyed this show, which is saying something considering my disdain for "reality tv."  I was disappointed when Major Victory was elimenated last week, since I really thought it would come down to him and Feedback.  I just don't see Fat Mama winning, nice as she is.  I guess we'll find out tonight!

2. Blade: The Series - Last night's episode wasn't too bad.  There have been some decent ones, and some I've barely been able to get through.  It may have potential yet...

3. ECW - On the other hand, I've given up on ECW.  I haven't watched in the last two weeks and I haven't missed it. 

4. Superman Returns - Superman is dead.  At least the Superman I grew up wth is.  This movie is an abomination.  Maybe if I can work up enough energy I'll do a thorough review.

5. Transformers: The Movie - Bumblebee is going to be a Mustang and not a Volkswagon Beetle?  WTF!?

6. Smallville - Even though this is also a raping of the Superman legend, I don't hate it like I hated SR.  I still tune into this show to see what aspect of the character they'll ruin next.  Plus, it is on before Supernatural.

7. Heroes - Looks like it might be interesting.  I'll have to tune in.

8. Shark Week 2006 - Rocked as always.  Next year is #20!


Posted by theredshark at 11:46 AM EDT
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Friday, 28 July 2006
Shark Week
Mood:  happy

Next week is SHARK WEEK!




Posted by theredshark at 9:20 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 5 July 2006
Mood:  incredulous
Jerry "The King" Lawler is right, it is "Extremely Crappy Wrestling." ECW started off with a fair show, nothing great, but not bad either. It has not gotten better. I'm already sick of Mike Knox's bit with Kelly. Kelly is hot, but she has no idea how to do a sexy dance. The Zombie was funny (I loved his promo) and Macho Libre wasn't bad, but now the Sandman's "caning segment" has gotten stale as well.

This is not the ECW I remember, it is the WWE's version of ECW. Fine, then call it WWE Extreme, like WWE Raw and WWE Smackdown. But don't try to convince me this is ECW. It ain't. If I want WWE product I'll watch Raw or even Smackdown. I want ECW. I miss ECW.

Poor RVD was on top of the world until he was stupid enough to get caught with Mary Jane. Dumbass. Now the belt is on Big Show. Huh? Well, after RVD and Kurt Angle, he is the most believable as champ. (There was a reason guys like Sandman and Sabu weren't in WWE). Too bad Angle is taking time off, it would have been great for him to win the title. Where to they go from here? I don't know.

ECW is quickly turning into a giant clusterfrick, and quite frankly I think its days are numbered. There was a time when that would have disappointed me. Now I say, "Pull the plug and let it die."

Posted by theredshark at 9:55 PM EDT
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Thursday, 15 June 2006
Danish or Danishes?
Mood:  silly
Well, I was going to write my thoughts on the Big Ben accident. Sarcastically I was going to say how we should ignore the fact that he was riding without a helmet OR a license and should instead focus on running the other driver out of town. (Ironic that the lady from Maine was making a "Pittsburgh left," eh?). But I'm sure everyone is sick of hearing about that too, so let me just say that I hope Ben gets well soon.

Then I thought I could write about how, after a promising Pay Per View on Sunday, ECW on Sci-Fi was lousy. But hey, it was the first show, so I'll just hope it gets better.

No, instead I am going to write about my favorite breakfast food - the Danish!

I love Danishes - or is the plural Danish? Someone told me that once. I looked it up though, and it appears that either is acceptable. Let's look at my favorite flavors:

Cherry - I could live on a diet of cherry Danishes, 'nuff said.

Pineapple - My second favorite, I usually order one cherry and one of these.

Blueberry - If I can't get cherry or pineapple, blueberry is a worthy substitute.

Apricot - There is a reason this is #4, but I'll eat it, cause I loves me some Danish!

Apple and cheese need not apply! Cheese Danishes are disgusting. Yuck! And I rarely care for apple anything - including apple pie. I don't much care for baseball either, although I do love my mom. One out of three, hmmm, does that make me unAmerican? I think it should be changed to Mom, Football, and Cherry Pie! Booya!

I got two Danishes for breakfast this morning. They came from Jenny Lee and were quite yummy. The best Danishes ever came from Karn's Bakery on Steubenville Pike in Robinson Township. The went out of business and the building is now a pizza place. When I was a youngster I worked at the Dairy Queen next door to the bakery (the DQ is now a Truck N Stuff). When my buddy Elwood and I worked the day shift we'd go in early and meet for breakfast at the bakery. I'd always get Danish. Ah, what a simpler time.

Did you ever notice that bakeries tend to employ young hot girls? Karns did it, and the last three times I went to Jenny Lee I was waited on my jailbait. What up wit dat?

But I digress. Back to Danishes. They are on my list of favorite foods. Also making the cut are bacon, shrimp cocktail, and stuffed porkchops. I've recently really become fond of stuffed peppers too. Well, now I'm just rambling. Peace out!

Posted by theredshark at 9:45 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 7 June 2006
X-Men: The Last Stand
Mood:  irritated
Note: Spoilers ahoy!

I'm not really sure how to feel about this movie. Was it entertaining? Yes. Was it good? I'm not so sure. Some of the things that take place (like Cyclops dying real quick) were bothersome. Particulary if you believe the info on the internet that states WHY this was done (check out Ain't it Cool News or the Superhero Hype message boards for more info). There are some inexplicable parts to this film, like day suddenly becoming night, but that is not a major problem. I'm not a huge X-Man comic fan, so I can forgive a lot of the changes made. What I cannot forgive is when there is a lack of continuity from movie to movie. Where the heck is Storm's accent? Although, to be fair, it may have been missing in X2 as well. Another thing I didn't like was Wolverine's characterization. He is too leading man-ish. I like Hugh Jackman as Wolvie, but sometimes I think he is just two tall and good looking for the role. And why was he leading them at the end? Shouldn't Storm, who actually lead the comic's team once, be the leader?

There are some good things, including Iceman (FINALLY) icing up. It would have been cool if he would had used an ice slide when coming down from the blackbird. Everyone else had their "unique entrance" and that would have been perfect for him. Instead, Kitty carries him. Dumb. Oh wait, I'm supposed to be talking about good things. Beast is well done, although at the end I would have prefered that he would have returned to the mansion as a teacher instead of joining the UN. Magneto is excellent as always. No complaints there. Rogue is good in the little bit we see of her (makes sense that she would want the cure). Same goes for Colossus. Minor part but well done.

The Juggernaut was okay. It did bother me that he wasn't refered to as Professor X's step-brother, but I guess there wasn't a place for that. Speaking of the Professor - why did they kill him off? I don't get it.

That leads me into my next rant - Phoenix. Actually, no, I'm not going to rant. Let me just saw, that if you are not going to do it "right" then don't do it at all.

Hmmmm, I'm still not sure how to feel about this movie. I was generally entertained, but, it seems to have left a bad taste in my mouth. I hope Spider-Man 3 (with it's apparent 18 villians) will be better.

Posted by theredshark at 8:53 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 7 June 2006 9:04 AM EDT
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