My enthusiasm for the 25th Anniversary figures has been tempered by the release of pictures of Wave 1. Whereas the five packs were just amazing, these figures are not up to par. That's not to say that the five pack figures were perfect, but they were pretty close. Besides Storm Shadow's sandals, the choice of rifle for Duke, and the possibility of Cobra Commander and Destro have closed fists on their left hand, there wasn't much wrong with them. That is saying a lot for ten figures.
But with Wave 1, there are lots of problems. It is almost like Hasbro said, "How can we make fifteen figures from ten molds," because the reuse of parts is blatant. Now, I can excuse the reuse of parts when they are not obvious and make sense. But some of these choices fall short. Here is a breakdown figure by figure.
Hooded Cobra Commander - I started with the best of the bunch. Other than the cartoon inspired gloves (which I like anyway), this figure is a perfect homage to the original mail-in Hooded CC. While I would have preferred one CC figure with interchangeable hood and helmet, this is still a nice looking figure, and what I expected. Originial figure:
Storm Shadow - Egad, this figure fails. Perhaps the biggest problem is that it seems an easy situation to correct - give him Duke's arms instead of the ones he has, paint the leggings white instead of gray, loose the waist piece, and of course get rid of those awful sandals. The weapons don't bother me too much, since SSv2's weapons weren't the greatest (a red sword... wtf?). However, I do wish he came with a claw. Maybe Marauder, Inc. can make something cool to fill the void. Original figure:
Snake Eyes - If you look at this figure from the waist up, he matches SEv2 pretty well. But, from the waist down is a different story. While I always thought that SEv2's "ankle bracelets" were a bit strange looking, that is the iconic look. In fact, many would argue that SEv2 is the most iconic figure of the entire RAH line. I'm trying to like this "update," but the gray boots just don't work or me. Maybe with they were reversed, black with gray highlights, I'd like them better. Original figure:
Cobra Officer - There are two things I really don't like about this figure. The gray face mask/knee pads and the choice of weapon. Now of course I'd prefer that he didn't have knee pads at all to more closely match the original Cobra Officer, but if you had to have them, keep them black. Speaking of keeping things black, I abhor the gray face mask. Now my problem with the weapon isn't that it is silver (although black would be better), the problem is that it is a sniper rifle and not an AK-47! It should be an AK-47! This could have been a great update to the Cobra Officer...close, but no cigar. Original figure:
Flint - When I heard this figured used Duke's body I was steamed! Now that I've seen it though, my only beef is the sleeves. They are a big beef though! I would think that Hasbro would eventually need short sleeve arms for other characters, so why not make then now for Flint. I just don't get it. Other than the sleeves, this is a case where reusing parts worked. Give him different arms and Flint would be just about perfect. Original figure:
I've read the Waves 2 and 3 will not have nearly as many reused parts, and I hope that is true. Especially considering that Wave 2 will likely consist of Beach Head, Buzzer, Lady Jaye, Serpentor, and Cobra Trooper (okay, this last one will be reused parts because it will be the same figure as in the five pack. I do hope they chance the figure's hair color but NOT anything with the uniform). We shall see...